Monday, January 29, 2007

More demo impressions.

Try before you buy.
by AC - permalink

Painkiller Gold has just been made available via Steam, and comes complete with a playable demo. It's not bad. Painkiller was released in 2004, and although the promo material brags about the incredible proprietary 3D PAIN engine, it's a pretty underwhelming game visually, especially when you consider that 2004 also saw the debuts of CryEngine, Source, and the Doom 3 engine. Painkiller runs really fast and has nice physics, but it's all very flat and reminds me a lot of the Quake III engine. It doesn't help that there are only a few weapons in the demo, and you get a bonus for beating it using only the stake launcher. Way to add variety there. Three bad guys and optimally just one gun. But it's still kinda fun in a Serious Sam, mow-em-all-down kinda way.

First impressions of the Prey demo are positive. It looks as good as Quake IV and runs as smoothly. Good atmosphere, although it really is strongly reminiscent of Quake IV and Doom 3. Hopefully Enemy Territory: Quake Wars will finally do something original with that brilliant Doom 3 engine. Anyway, the portal effects in Prey are seriously cool, which makes it suck even more that we have to keep waiting and waiting for Valve to get around to shipping Portal only when Team Fortress 2 and Half-Life 2: Episode 2 are done. I could go on a nice, satisfying rant about how Valve's episodic content plan has gone completely to hell (over a year between Episode 1 and Episode 2, and the value-pricing idea is out the window), but I won't.

I've been playing around with Screamer Radio, a nice little freeware internet radio client. It's a tiny app and comes with a decent preset list. So far I haven't heard a single stutter or skip. On the downside, at least a fourth of the presets are dead, and it gives you only a limited amount of customization. I'd have liked a sortable station list, for one thing. But you can't beat the price. So far, Sky FM is the only station I've liked enough to add it to the favorites list. First track was Bjork, second was Soul Coughing, third was Temple of the Dog. Sweet.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Steam is unintuitive.

Installing a game twice is stupid.
by AC - permalink

So now that I've got the high-speed hookup going and Steam is marginally less a pain in the ass, I thought I'd look into registering some of my games that require a CD-check with the service just to avoid having to dig out a CD whenever I want to play them. I figure the Steam-enabled third-party games aren't as likely to shove unwanted patches down my PC's throat at random intervals as Valve is. So I tried Call of Duty and United Offensive, but no go. Apparently it only works with Valve games. That's somewhat annoying.

So I took a look around my stacks of game boxes and decided to try to register Counter-Strike. I got it as part of the Half-Life Platinum Collection a long time ago, but I've never really played it. It turns out that entering a valid CD-key only activates a game -- or, in this case, a set of games -- and enables you to download them into your Steam account. Previous installations are ignored. That's also somewhat annoying.

The good news is, activating my CS CD-key unlocked not only CS and the other games in the Platinum Collection (Half-Life, Opposing Force, Blue Shift, TFC, and the Ricochet mod), but also Day of Defeat and Deathmatch Classic, which is just the original Quake 1 DM maps and weapons modded into HL1. I downloaded CS and DoD, since they're multiplayer games and you can only find servers in-game for them via Steam. And I guess I'll go ahead and download Blue Shift even though it's single-player only, since it's the only game in the collection that requires a CD-check, and I fucking hate that.

In other news, my PC still hasn't crashed since I decided to pop it open, knock it over on its side, and point a desk fan into it. GPU temps are down and somewhat steady, and I'm not so gun-shy about starting massive downloads anymore. I've also been toying with the demos for the first two Splinter Cell games (the third, Chaos Theory, crashes immediately after startup) and Need for Speed Underground 2. The SC demos are interesting and look really nice, but they're incredibly frustrating. There are about a hundred ways to fail a mission and only like two ways to win, and it's just a huge amount of trial-and-error and not very fun at all. NFS Underground though, is really cool. It's just a demo, and offers no hint as to how much depth the actual game has, but just zipping around, randomly challenging people to short, tear-ass races around town is more fun than it seems like it should be. There's like half a dozen NFS spinoffs out there, and all of them have PC demos, so I'll try out most of them and I'll probably end up buying at least one.

One last thing, how come nobody is playing Unreal Tournament 2004 online? I've got the Editor's Choice edition, and it's fully patched up now, but all I can find are loads of empty servers. Lame.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Not so good with the shooting.

At least, not anymore.
by AC - permalink

I'm not sure what the intangible It is that I've apparently lost when it comes to online shooters, but whatever It is, I've lost it. Ten years ago, I used to dominate in the only online shooter anyone was playing, Quake. But now... I dunno. In the FPS's I can find a decent amount of players in -- Call of Duty 2, Halo, Quake III mainly -- I'm holding my own, but I'm getting fragged way too much. If we were talking about obscure, overly complicated gamemodes like Onslaught or whatnot it would be different, but I'm playing mostly team deathmatch, and I'm getting sniped left, right, and center, and it's getting depressing. I'm still kicking all kinds of bot ass offline, so I don't think I'm necessarily out of practice... It's like there's been some sort of fundamental, intangible shift in how to win online in these kinds of games that I've missed the boat on since I was last playing a lot around six years ago.

Whatever the case, at least I'm not crashing so much anymore. After the RAM slot-swap, I've only crashed once. I've got my box open and on its side, with a desk fan pointed into it. I think the problem was from my motherboard's orientation. The vidcard was stuck upside-down, with the fan/heatsink pointed down and with very little room for the hot air to escape upwards. Over time, I think the GPU has been damaged and can take less and less exposure to high temperatures. I would have been looking out for this, but I've never had a little mini-tower like this eMachines case before. Anyway, now not only can it vent upwards, I'm forcing the air out of the case with the fan. I haven't tried the Psychonauts demo again, but I've been able to play a lot of CoD2, as well as the F.E.A.R. demo a couple of times without a spontaneous reboot. It's progress anyway.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Back online for the first time again.

It's fast, then it's gone.
by AC - permalink

So I've finally rejoined the broadband world. We ordered the fancypants wireless network package, which meant a box full of hardware with no instructions. Luckily I used to do this sort of thing for a living, and I was able to get the whole setup humming along online without installing all the stupid proprietary software. The downside is that my PC has gone from occasionally crashing due to what seemed like overheating issues to crashing at random almost constantly for no apparent reason at all.

I've been troubleshooting this problem for months, and I finally ran out of ideas today. As a last-ditch effort I pulled out the dual 512MB PC3200 DIMMs, cleaned them off, and re-seated them in the unoccupied slots. And incredibly, it seems to be working. My PC shut itself down unexpectedly four times yesterday, but today I've been able to putter around online, do some gaming, and successfully shut down thrice. That includes an hour-long Call of Duty 2 online deathmatch session, and full-on 3D gaming has generally been a death sentence for my box lately. In fact, one of the first things I did after getting the DSL goodness going was to update my Steam client and download the Psychonauts demo. The game ran great, but twice my PC crashed after ten minutes of it. So long sessions of CoD2, CoD1, Quake III, Quake IV, Halo, and UT 2004 online are good signs.