Showing posts with label Dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dogs. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sunny is weird.

Richard and/or Donny's dog Sunny has this odd habit of howling when she's excited. She usually does it when playing fetch. She lets out this triumphant howl to let us know how awesome she is as soon as she picks up whatever you threw. "I got that damn toy! Do not fuck with me!"

You have to see it for yourself.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wish I was home.

So I'm at my mom's house, watching the NBA finals while watching the dogs. My mom's in Birmingham helping out with my granddad, who had a brain tumor removed a couple weeks ago. He's doing really well, but his kids are keeping an eye on him until he fully recovers. They're taking it in turns, and unfortunately my mom's turn came up when one of her dogs, Lucy, is really sick. I don't know what's wrong with her, but just checking in on them and letting them out and feeding them and whatever has turned into a full-on dogsitting gig. I'm spending my second night here, and apparently my dog YaYa isn't taking it so well. I knew she liked me, but I didn't think she'd, you know, miss me. I love that dog.

Anyway, Lucy here has been sick for a while, but with my granddad ill and with my step-grandfather dying last week, my mom hasn't done anything about it, and now Lucy's getting worse by the day. In a sense, I don't blame my mom, but in another, more accurate sense, I really do. But there's no point in assigning blame, it's just important that she's coming back a day early (tomorrow) to take her to the vet.

Meanwhile, I'm finding it hard to sleep. I miss Jenny terribly, and I'm not used to sleeping on that little twin bed in the guest room. I slept on it last night, and all afternoon at work today my spine felt like it was going to wrench itself out of my body and strangle me for making it bend down so I could acid-adjust forklift batteries all goddamn day. So I'm wide awake at 10:30 and I think I'm going to be late to work tomorrow. If I work the full 8 hours I'm pushing overtime anyway, and god knows they don't want that to happen. Anyway the manager isn't going to be there tomorrow, so fuck it. All I have to do is make a few trips out to West Memphis to pick up some batteries.

Anyhow. I gotta try to feed Lucy again and take them out once more before I sack out. If you're reading this, Jenny, love you! See you tomorrow afternoon.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Another snow post.

Here's a short (very short) video showing just how much Yaya enjoyed last weekend's snowfall.

It's hard to see her, but she's standing right in front of the door. Way to live life to the fullest, dog.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Gaming/blogging before a long day.

So tomorrow my job is sending me on an all-day PM (preventative maintenance) to the Winchester plant outside Oxford, MS. They have eleven forklift batteries we'll have to clean and/or repair, plus maintenance on probably half a dozen chargers. I'll have to go in an hour early and I'll probably get back an hour late, and since this is my second PM this week, I'll probably end up with some overtime for the first time since I started this god forsaken job a few months ago. So tonight I'm taking it easy. Playing HL2: Episode Two, GTA San Andreas (roaming around at random in one of my 100% saves), and maybe some Call of Duty 4 later. I'm also watching the Griz, currently down three in the third against the Wolves.

I've got a backlog of games to get to now, thanks to a small amount of disposable cash and a huge sale on Steam. At last count, I now have 55 games installed on my PC, counting expansions (two each for Quake, Quake 2, and Ghost Recon) plus nine games I've uninstalled recently because I'm running out of room on my 200GB and 100GB hard drives. The number of games I have that I haven't yet beaten has grown from five or six a few months ago to something like two dozen. And I now own three games that I can't even run effectively on my rig, at least until I upgrade, including one I can't run at all (Lost Planet, a Christmas gift from Mike that I really wish I could run).

Moving on. I managed to get Jenny's camera working, so we've been taking pictures of just about anything again. For example, here's a picture of me pretending to be Gordon Freeman at work:

Either there's a healthpack in one of those crates, or I'm about to get fired for carrying around a crowbar for no discernible reason.

This is a late-seventies International Harvester Scout II that's been parked on McLean in north Midtown for at least a year and a half. The first car I ever owned was a black '76 Scout II, and every time I see this truck I have a little flashback to 1995.

Maggie says: "I'M SO HAPPY OMG!!!1!"

My girls. This is actually an old photo, which explains the Photoshopping I had to do to get it bright enough to appreciate. I'm pretty sure Yaya was thinking, "You're using me as a photo-op, aren't you?"