Sunday, August 23, 2009

Picture time.

Here's some catfish we baked a few weeks ago. Fresh garlic and parsley, dried sage and oregano, and other stuff I don't remember. We added the recipe to our cookbook, because it was so good you'd have thought one of those fish had been the reincarnation of Buddha.

This is what my cayenne pepper plant looks like now. It used to cower under the shadow of that tropical whatever-it-is on the left, and now it's practically a tree. There are too many peppers on it to count. Whatever I don't eat I'll dry and crush to make my own fresh cayenne pepper seasoning. I'm like a fucking farmer or something now.

I love this picture. I mean look at it. It was raining, and she's so cute, collecting rainwater for the plants instead of tapwater from the hose. What can you do when faced with such adorability except take a picture of it?