Saturday, August 28, 2010

Your mom's birthday is coming up.

The Lovely has gone berserk with the crafting lately, digging through her boxes and boxes of beads, strings, jewels, and whatnot. Suddenly she has dozens of hand-crafted jewelery... things. I don't know how she does it, I'm just sitting here playing Half-Life, and I look over and boom! Three more pairs of earrings or a necklace or bracelet or something.

The best part is, she's made a new blog where you can see it all and even friggin' buy it! Want a jade colored necklace with a genuine bone Shiva carving? She's got it. Suddenly realizing that you need some silver and black earrings for... baseball practice or whatever? No problem. Jenny's hand-made jewelery is perfect for any occasion: court hearings, Christmas, Civil War reenactments, grocery shopping, Arbor Day, she has you covered.

Check out River Rock Jewelry and buy some kickass custom jewelery today. You'll find something you like, or my name ain't Nathan Arizona!