Saturday, March 07, 2009

Another snow post.

Here's a short (very short) video showing just how much Yaya enjoyed last weekend's snowfall.

It's hard to see her, but she's standing right in front of the door. Way to live life to the fullest, dog.

Friday, March 06, 2009

So it snowed here. A lot.

We never get snow here. In general, we'll get one appreciable snowfall per winter, usually less than an inch. But for some reason last weekend we got our asses handed to us (in snow form). Here in Raleigh we got around 6 inches; here's what it would have looked like if you were me and were looking through our camera at our front yard Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning:

Three days later it was sunny and 70 degrees. But it was great while it lasted. Also, someone around the block from us built a snowman right next to the street with great big boobs. Didn't get a picture, you'll have to take my word for it.