Tuesday, October 04, 2005

HP has bad decision-making skills.

Netscape is great and all, until you try to use it.
by AC - permalink

Netscape has managed to haul itself into the browser spotlight this week by signing a deal with HP to include Netscape Browser 8.0 on all new HP and Compaq desktops and laptops. From Ars Technica's article:

Those purchasing HP- or Compaq-branded consumer machines will be prompted during the set-up process to choose between Netscape 8.0 and current default Internet Explorer. Users will also find Netscape's icon on their desktop [and] in the Start menu, and the browser will be customized with links to HP sites.

Wow, that sounds like a really good deal, unless of course you're buying a new HP or Compaq. "Thank you for purchasing a new HP desktop computer! Which awful browser would you like to use today?" Let's see, we have Netscape, which is needlessly complicated and difficult to use, and IE6, which is dangerously vulnerable and has a shamelessly primitive UI.

Just get Firefox or Opera and tell HP to screw off. You'll be much happier in the end.

I finally got tired of not having the Show Image extension for Firefox 1.5 beta 1 and decided to do something about it myself. Suspecting that there was no reason this extension should be broken in the 1.5 branch, I took Alan Starr's advice and manually changed the em:maxVersion tag before reinstalling it. I'd been thinking about doing this with a few different extensions that hadn't yet been updated, but at this point only Image Zoom hasn't been upped for 1.5b1 (changing the maxVersion generates a chrome error in Fx 1.5 and SeaMonkey 1.0 alpha).

One more bit of Firefox news. Well, it isn't actually news since I bookmarked it over a week ago and immediately forgot about it. Brian King wrote a three-page article for O'Reilly Network called What Is Firefox. It ranges from Phoenix to the equally mythical Fx 2.0, and is interesting if not earth-shattering.

Sorry about not posting anything in so long. I picked up Ghost Recon Gold Edition last week (GR plus the Desert Siege and Island Thunder mission packs) and I'm completely addicted to it. It has its problems, and it's wicked hard, but I can't get enough of it. I'm already downloading mods, in fact. I know the whole squad-based tactical shooter thing is old now, but I never got around to playing any of them before now. The main issue I have with GR is the AI balancing. Enemy AI tends to run up near your position, stand completely hidden behind a solid object, and kill you with one magic bullet. Meanwhile, your teammates have a little game they like to play called "Let's catch stray bullets with our faces." But it's still a cool game.

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