Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Aragog strikes again.

I don't need sleep anyway.
by AC - permalink

Early this morning I was vaulted out of bed by a vicious spider bite to the right tricep. Again. I don't know why spiders hate my right tricep so much. It could be karmically linked to my insistance on killing every spider I see anywhere, but that really wouldn't be fair. I can't help being arachnophobic, it's a genetic thing. You think our monkey-man ancestors, sleeping on the ground in some prehistoric forest, kept spiders and scorpions as pets? They probably ate the fucking things.

Moving on. I'm thinking about finally getting around to buying Call of Duty 2, because, what the hell, it can't run any worse than Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault, and I've already thrown away twenty bucks on that. In preparation, I blasted through Call of Duty and United Assault again. The only negative I have about that game/expansion is the last mission of the last episode of United Assault. It just sucks. You're under constant, unavoidable fire from everywhere, you have to deal with two escort sub-missions, and in the grand finale you have to take every single objective with AI squadmates so useless it's like facing an entire infantry battalion, plus armor, plus air support, single-handed. Not fun. Not any kind of fun I've ever heard of, anyway.

You have to compare it to the final mission of the first episode, where you're tasked with assaulting and holding a chateau against overwhelming infantry and armor support. In that mission, you have to scurry around grabbing health and ammo, you have to move from door to door to repel invaders, and you have to decide which weapons will be most effective from moment to moment (Panzer-schreck, BAR, sniper rifle, etc.). There's even a good deal of hand-to-hand combat involved. But here's the difference: Your AI teammates actually help. They defend the entrances long enough to cover you, and when overwhelmed, they let you know.

If Call of Duty 2 has more of that kind of action than the lone gunman, Medal of Honor-type stuff, it'll be worth buying. We'll see.

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