How do I tweet about this?
Monday, August 29, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Post from Phone (this may not work)
Pro: I can stretch out in the middle of the bed!
Con: I'm the only one in it.
Pro: I can leave my stuff lying around upstairs without worrying about it being moved ('cleaned up').
Con: I have to clean it all up.
Pro: All the string cheese is mine!
Con: I'm almost out of string cheese.
Pro: I know how to take care of the fish now.
Con: I don't think they like me. They don't say much, but I can tell...
Con: I didn't get to sit on the beach with her, watching the ocean all day.
Pro: I visited my grandma on her 90th birthday after work, and she was surprisingly lucid and upbeat.
I won that last one.
*Edited in-browser next day, because I can't leave well enough alone.
Posted by AC at 12:35 AM 0 comments
Tags: sad, thelovelyjenny, vacation
Sunday, August 07, 2011
Posted by AC at 11:03 PM 0 comments
Tags: Assassin's Creed, Games, GTA, Hardware, LOTRO, thelovelyjenny
Thursday, July 07, 2011
Never pay full price.
I've got something like sixty games on Steam now, all but a handful purchased while on sale for a deep discount. Risen, a game I really, really want, is on sale today at 66% off. That still puts it at a little over ten dollars, so I passed. Discipline is the name of the game with Steam.
In other news, the lovely Jenny got a job with my company today, and she starts tomorrow. This is awesome. We'll be on the same sleep schedule now, and can carpool, saving tons of money on gas I won't spend on my 19-year old Explorer, since we'll take her Accord. And we can eat lunch together every day (double bonus points). Well, every day that I'm not out of town or on a PM, which is most days (minus 50% on double point bonus). Still, it will up our combined income hugely (financial stress level minus 60%). And I won't have to sweat in the heat all day and then drive home in a truck without air conditioning that's been sitting in the sun all day long (endurance level increased 50%).
On the downside, it's critical that we get her Accord serviced ASAP for all the warning lights that have been coming on lately, and I have no idea what repairs they might require. But that should be an affordable expense once she gets settled. Probably.
Posted by AC at 10:55 PM 0 comments
Tags: Games, Steam, thelovelyjenny, Work
Sunday, May 08, 2011
New mouse. This is big news.
I bought this thing tonight at Kmart. At $20, it's clearly the cheapest laser mouse you can possibly buy at retail. But it was there, so I bought it. And it ain't half bad. I mean, it's slightly too small for my hand, and somehow the DPI toggle button below the wheel keeps getting hit even when I don't actually click it, but I've had far worse mice. It's relatively comfortable, looks sharp, and the nicely clicky scroll-wheel glows red all the time. They had a purple one, but I went with red, because that's how I roll, motherfuckers.
You see, this is what Twitter has done to my blog. I'm on Twitter constantly now, so there's not much left to blog about., for the record.
Posted by AC at 2:54 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 18, 2011
Another family crisis (getting good at this).
Wheeled him in an office chair to the car, because he couldn't stand, and drove to the ER. Turns out he had an "incarcerated inguinal hernia." Rushed to emergency surgery. Lots of doom-and-gloom, worst case information from the surgeon. Imminent-death sort of talk. Scariest two hours of my life. Then he came out of surgery with a best-possible outcome. The next morning he was cleared to go home. My personal life expectancy dropped one month due to stress.
The Lovely Jenny went above and beyond this weekend. She was there for my dad, and she was there for me. Genuinely my personal hero. In less than a year, I've dealt with my mother having multiple surgeries, including a double-mastectomy and the complications that arose from that, my dad being ambushed by Miller-Fisher and almost dying from it, and now this severe hernia. Jenny has helped me and my parents through it all. And meanwhile, her own aunt died of cancer and both her grandparents have been hospitalized, for a stroke in one case. She is officially the best person who ever lived.
Posted by AC at 10:51 PM 1 comments
Tags: family, Life, thelovelyjenny
Monday, March 14, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
I'm more online. That's a thing now.
So, whatever. Follow me at Or don't. I don't have any followers, which is fine. I just want to reply to people and track tweets. I hate that I just wrote that, but really, you kinda have to these days. I have a basic (meaning slow) data plan for my cell phone now, and that's where Twitter really shines when I'm trying to keep up with what's going on, particularly when I'm at work.
In other me-centric news, I went the whole weekend without logging into LotRO. I wanted a break from the complexity of all those characters with all that stuff to do with all those people in my new kinship, so I re-downloaded Call of Duty: Modern Warfare on Steam and spent my spare weekend time shootin' at crap instead of swingin' axes at crap. Really felt a need to get back to my FPS roots. And I was busy this weekend. Mowed the front yard, did an epic amount of laundry, went shopping like three times. Watched The Matrix. So it was easier to just jump into an FPS and kill dudes for a few minutes. LotRO is fantastic, but you have to set aside more than just a couple minutes here and there to play it.
That's really one of my only major criticisms... Well done, Turbine.
Posted by AC at 10:45 PM 0 comments
Tags: Call of Duty, Games, Grizzlies, LOTRO, NBA, Twitter, whatever, Work
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Busy elf.
Added bonus: I looted absolutely everything. Vendored the trash I picked up in the Drake/Worm run alone for just shy of 2 gold. That'll help offset the 5G I spent on the Mathom Society horse last week. And the 5G I spend on the same horse for my level 47 Hunter, Maethur. And the 4G I spend on the Bree rep horse for Aurrok. It's a lot of money for just horses, but I want all four of my active characters to have a 250-morale mount. Kwali, my 41 Rune-Keeper, got his 250-morale goat through the Ale Association last year during the Fall Festival.
Then I bought the Steed of Night for Mal, so. Yeah. I did. I still like the Mathom horse, but I wouldn't have bought it if I'd known I was weak enough to buy that stupid damn Steed of Night. Jenny bought one, too. We actually had to buy points (double bonus point sale) for her to afford it. So well done, Turbine. You put it on sale before pulling it from the store again, and we spent twenty bucks on points to afford it. Are you happy now?
Anyway. My only other character is a level 23 Hobbit Burglar. I'm not leveling him because I don't like the class and I'm hanging onto him for the name until I roll another Hobbit. But he isn't totally inactive. I've been fooling around with him, swimming rivers from border to border, killing low-level mobs for cosmetic drops, stuff like that. Just running around Middle Earth goofing off, because I don't have anything to really do with him.
*Going back to the race trait slayer deeds... Drakes? Really? Race of Man has wights, hillmen, and wargs. Not too difficult. Dwarves have goblins (not orcs... goblins), trolls, and dourhands. Even easier. Hobbits have to kill wolves, spiders, and goblins. That's a walk in the park. But elves? What the fuck, man? Goblins, orcs, and drakes? We have to kill friggin' dragons? I don't care if the ones in Ram Duath were grey, those big ones beat me up. I didn't die or anything, but I had to stalk them and get them away from the worms before attacking them. Took forever, and that was only for Enmity of the Drakes ONE.
It was a fun couple of days, really, and I'm not finished. Still two or three left in the Shire, and then I start on Evendim and the Trollshaws. See you on Meneldor.
Posted by AC at 10:17 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Beyond Black Mesa
Over the years, Valve has continually turned down offers to buy the film rights to their signature franchise, and with good reason. I think of this as just a glimpse of what could be made if the film was in the hands of people who really cared.
I'm not going to embed it here. Hit the link, and watch it full-screen at 720.
Posted by AC at 12:29 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Blake Griffin might be Superman.
Posted by AC at 6:42 PM 0 comments
Tags: NBA, That. Just. Happened., Videos
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Opposites attract.
Posted by AC at 8:12 PM 1 comments
Tags: Life, Music, thelovelyjenny, Videos