Sunday, May 08, 2011

New mouse. This is big news.

About a month ago my mouse died. I loved that mouse. I even blogged about it. I bought it on my birthday, three years ago. Since its untimely death I've been using this cast-off, HP-branded piece of shit I dug out of a bin full of old computer cables. I hate it. I mean, it works, but its DPI is incredibly low, it's uncomfortable, it's ugly, and its cable is too short. Well, today is a new day.

I bought this thing tonight at Kmart. At $20, it's clearly the cheapest laser mouse you can possibly buy at retail. But it was there, so I bought it. And it ain't half bad. I mean, it's slightly too small for my hand, and somehow the DPI toggle button below the wheel keeps getting hit even when I don't actually click it, but I've had far worse mice. It's relatively comfortable, looks sharp, and the nicely clicky scroll-wheel glows red all the time. They had a purple one, but I went with red, because that's how I roll, motherfuckers.

You see, this is what Twitter has done to my blog. I'm on Twitter constantly now, so there's not much left to blog about., for the record.