Friday, August 20, 2004


So it's becoming almost impossible to use this ridiculous Compaq keyboard. The shift keys are doing things I've never heard of, and I've heard it all. Nothing I've tried, software-wise, has corrected the problem, so I guess it's just time for a hardware fix. I wonder if that old MS keyboard that, ah, someone spilled beer into a half-dozen times still works. It's been a couple years, surely it's dried out by now...

Started reading the first of those Harry Potter books again, though I'm not sure why. I just finished the 5th a week ago. Maybe because I just blasted through the complete Hitchhiker's Guide again and I'm struggling to find more geekish reading material.

Mental note: finally get around to hooking up my dad's new DVD player. There's just no way he's going to get it working by himself. Doesn't have the patience.

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