Friday, March 10, 2006

Harry Potter movies still don't suck.

Digital video discs? What's next, hover cars?
by AC - permalink

I picked up my copy of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on blind faith this Tuesday, since I hadn't seen it yet, but it was a good buy. Go get it. I bought the slightly more expensive two-disc edition, but I haven't actually watched disc 2 yet. Anyway, it's not as atmospheric or original as the previous movie, Prisoner of Azkaban, but it stands apart from the previous movies as a solid action/adventure. It's fast-paced, but still easily works in a subplot or two. And it's nice to see Neville getting a bigger role.

Maybe it's just me, but all I want to see in the movie adaptation of Order of the Phoenix is the DA stuff, particularly when they storm the Ministry of Magic. I love it when incidental characters start kicking ass and taking up screen time. Which is why I'm hoping a good ten to fifteen minutes of Half Blood Prince is devoted to Quidditch.

Have I lost any casual 100hc readers yet? Every now and then I need a Harry Potter or Star Trek post to keep me grounded. By the way, the TNG episode "Relics" aired on G4 last night, and I loved every goddamned second of it. Who could have kept themselves alive in the transporter pattern buffer after eighty years? Captain Montgomery fucking Scott, that's who.

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