Friday, March 17, 2006

"Job satisfaction" is an oxymoron.

Wasting money I didn't have.
by AC - permalink

Don't you hate it when you deposit a paycheck, then a couple weeks later it shows up in your mailbox with "Insufficient Funds" stamped on it? What, that's never happened to you? Well, fuck you, because it happened to me this week, and it sucks. I got the money back in cash this morning, but somehow on my way from work to the bank I lost a hundred dollar bill, almost a fifth of that paycheck. So that was fun.

Took my mind off of it by buying a 12-pack of Steel Reserve and GTA: San Andreas. They should sell them bundled, because you need the beer as a distraction from the tedium of trying to get your rig to run San Andreas at anything like an acceptable framerate. I dunno what they did to the engine, but I can't get this thing to run over 30 fps no matter what I do. Quake IV runs faster. I mean, what the fuck, man?

Anyway. NIN's With Teeth is kicking ass. I'm going straight to it every time I launch musikCube. Then it's time to power up the bass amp to play along with American Idiot. The neighbors are probably wondering when I'll start improving.

I also dropped twenty bucks for Windowblinds 5 this week. I put it off forever, but I wanted those pretty shadows and alpha-blended transparencies, so I finally put up the cash. Now it looks like I'm running Vista, but I know I'm not because I don't have a pounding headache. Thanks, Stardock!

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