Sunday, January 14, 2007

Back online for the first time again.

It's fast, then it's gone.
by AC - permalink

So I've finally rejoined the broadband world. We ordered the fancypants wireless network package, which meant a box full of hardware with no instructions. Luckily I used to do this sort of thing for a living, and I was able to get the whole setup humming along online without installing all the stupid proprietary software. The downside is that my PC has gone from occasionally crashing due to what seemed like overheating issues to crashing at random almost constantly for no apparent reason at all.

I've been troubleshooting this problem for months, and I finally ran out of ideas today. As a last-ditch effort I pulled out the dual 512MB PC3200 DIMMs, cleaned them off, and re-seated them in the unoccupied slots. And incredibly, it seems to be working. My PC shut itself down unexpectedly four times yesterday, but today I've been able to putter around online, do some gaming, and successfully shut down thrice. That includes an hour-long Call of Duty 2 online deathmatch session, and full-on 3D gaming has generally been a death sentence for my box lately. In fact, one of the first things I did after getting the DSL goodness going was to update my Steam client and download the Psychonauts demo. The game ran great, but twice my PC crashed after ten minutes of it. So long sessions of CoD2, CoD1, Quake III, Quake IV, Halo, and UT 2004 online are good signs.

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