Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Steam gets steamier.

For better or worse, Steam rolls on.
by AC - permalink

Valve picked up another high-profile partner today as Eidos Interactive is hocking their games via Steam now. There's some good news here, as this opens up classic games like Tomb Raider, a Saturn favorite of mine, to easy PC distribution. Just Cause is also in the Eidos library, and I'm downloading the demo by way of Steam right now. By all accounts Just Cause is basically Grand Theft Auto, Far Cry-style, which sounds pretty damned good to me, but I've been hesitant about how it will run on my rig.

I'm even more excited about the original Tomb Raider. I have the Saturn version of this game, and I'm completely in love with it. This started out as a Saturn exclusive, and was ported to the much more popular PlayStation and held for a simultaneous release. It plays great on the old console, but it would be great to play it with the resolution and framerate cranked up. I don't know how it will be priced, but for ten or even fifteen bucks, it'd be worth a download.

In other me-related news, I finally got around to ripping my last couple Nine Inch Nails CDs and integrating them into my library. The two domestic Closer CDs and the Head Like a Hole maxi-single are fairly repetitive, but worth listening to, especially with the inclusion of Memorabilia on Closer disc 2. Also I'm supposed to be taking one of my dogs, Lucy, to the vet this week for her yearly round of innoculations, but I can't seem to get around to it. She's sick for days afterwards, and she's always so pissed at me for doing it. I shit you not, yesterday she overheard me say "I guess I'll take Lucy to the vet tomorrow," and she went straight under the bed and wouldn't come out. That dog is so smart it creeps me out sometimes.

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