Saturday, June 13, 2009

Chrome and PvZ are cool. I HAVE SPOKEN.

I have a new obsession, and it's called Plants vs. Zombies.

I don't know why this game is so addictive. It just is. I dare you to play the 1-hour demo and not end up with the full game. It's like Peggle for people who enjoy using anthropomorphic plants to murder strangely-dressed zombies. Which is really everyone, isn't it?

Moving on. I'm using Google's Chrome browser almost exclusively now. I'm not saying it's better, in general, than Firefox, but it suits my needs better. This is partly because I still haven't gotten the latest Flash plugin to work correctly with Firefox, forcing me to use the TabSwitch extension too often; using IE8 in any way whatsoever is unacceptible to me. Because it's fucking awful.

The only advantages Firefox still has over Chrome, at least for me, are two extensions: Sage for RSS feeds and Adblock for making the web not suck as much. Chrome is so fast, however, and has such a good blank tab page, that it doesn't really bother me that these features are missing. I still haven't tried the new Safari release, and I'm not planning to. The last version was terrible, and I don't see how it can possibly be better than Chrome anyway.

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