Saturday, June 13, 2009

This is how I roll.

Now that I have a 21-inch CRT, I have acres of desktop space to play with, and numerous resolutions to choose from. So I've been playing around with some relatively advanced desktop customization to take advantage of my hardware. As of ten minutes ago, my workspace looks like this:

It's a combination of Windowblinds 5.51, Rainmeter, and Xion. An hour ago, it looked completely different; as I said, I'm still trying to settle on something I'm comfortable using all the time. I tend to waver between an austere, minimalist feel (as shown) and a much more organic, stylish, natural look (like the one I had set up a few minutes ago). I'll probably end up with a couple of configurations that I can quickly switch between.

By the way, if you're still reading this self-indulgent pointlessness, congratulations, you're me.

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