Thursday, June 09, 2005

Internet Explorer Still Sucks

Microsoft triggered a massive blitz of idiotic, unintelligible forum posts this week by releasing an MSN toolbar that brings tabbed browsing to IE6+. Apparently the plan was to upgrade the worst web browser currently in existence by adding a simple UI feature invented roughly sixty years ago. Unfortunately, said toolbar is probably the worst browser patch ever created. Thanks to Asa for helping us keep the web right-side up.

Looks like a Simpsons movie is actually going to happen (via Slashdot). If I wasn't so sure that creative control of this film will be entirely in the hands of a labyrinthine hierarchy of Fox studio suits, I'd think this was long-overdue good news. But we all know that Fox can't let a potential money-maker like this one get out the door without shunting it through a few focus groups to make sure it properly plugs their prime-time lineup and shamelessly panders to the designated demographic. Again, I hope I'm proved wrong, because I love The Simpsons. But I won't be.

Our favorite mp3 player/playlist manager has been updated again. musikCube 0.92.5 can be downloaded here. All the bug fixes and UI changes are in the changelog

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