Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Webmail Without the Web

A nice little app called FreePOPs was listed on BetaNews yesterday. It's a freeware program that acts as a proxy for third-party email clients to access webmail services. I've managed to keep my Gmail account completely spam-free, but I have two Yahoo! Mail accounts that pull in a couple dozen spam messages a day. Thunderbird's junk filters are much better at filtering spam than Yahoo's, and now with FreePOPs I can bypass that horrible UI unless I want to send a message from a Yahoo address. Unfortunately, it also halves my connection speeds when active, so I don't recommend running it unless you only want to grab all your messages in one go.

A site called has something I've been looking for for a while now: a frequently updated archive of WindowBlinds themes. One of my favorite WB themers from the old days, Essorant, has a ridiculously huge theme archive at XPThemes here.

And finally, an editorial by Joshua Micah Marshall called "Four More Years?" was published in last week's Memphis Flyer. I recommend you read it.

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