Saturday, July 01, 2006

Holy crap it's hot.

Pimping the temp.
by AC - permalink

So this house has been un-air-conditioned for a week now, and it's getting a little irritating. Last Saturday the fan in the consensor seized up, and we've been getting by with fans and open windows since. It wouldn't be that bad if it would stop being 90 fucking degrees every single afternoon, but this is Memphis and it's summer. There's a window unit in one bedroom, but it's so old all it can really do it slightly cool down that one room if the door is closed. So I've invested in Gatorade and beer, and keeping that on ice helps. Cooking is also a problem, since lighting a small fire in the kitchen is not generally a good idea when it's already 87 in there. So tonight it's MGD and burgers on the grill.

The new ATI drivers I installed recently seem to be pretty effective. I haven't run any benchmarks or anything, but it turns out both Doom 3 and my Source engine games are noticably smoother, and I know the Radeon drivers and Catalyst have been optimized for those engines multiple times since the old set I'd been using.

I've been replaying Doom 3 from the beginning for just the third time, and for some reason I just keep liking this game more each time I play it. Yes, it's repetitive enough that it's tough to take more than about 90 minutes of it per session, but it's an extremely long game by FPS standards, especially considering the crazy detail put into the level design and lighting. And the back third - from Hell onward - really picks up steam. Once you get you accept that long stretches are going to be uninterrupted, undifferentiated corridor-crawling, it's not a bad game.

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