Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Sunbird, Mac mini, etc.

I installed the second release candidate for Sunbird 0.2 a couple days ago. As far as I can tell, I really don't have any use for it, but I'm keeping it around for a bit longer, because, like all Mozilla projects, it's just so damn slick, even as a pre-beta.

Like everyone else on earth, I really want a Mac mini. It's clearly a bare-bones system, particularly in terms of video performance, and it's essentially non-upgradable. But I happen to be in the market for a new $500 computer, and I already have a spare monitor, keyboard, and mouse...

Tech-Blog.org has posted a feature on a new standard keyboard that just might be the dumbest thing I've seen online so far in 2005. If Dvorak can't catch on, what chance does a 53-key, Lego-esque POS like this have?

Finally, Mark Stein continues to be my favorite ESPN NBA analyst, as he has kept the Memphis Grizzlies at number 9 in his NBA Power Rankings for the third consecutive week. That, and because Rick Bucher is a walking tabloid and Stephen A. Smith can't stop yelling long enough to make a fucking point.

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