Monday, February 28, 2005

Random Browsing

A few updates unrelated to anything in particular...

In pictures: How the world is changing at BBC News, courtesy of Cake. The scary thing about these comparative images is how little time has passed between them. The world from your high school geography textbooks is going away.

The Superficial has unexpectedly posted the best Academy Awards observations you're going to find online. In the process, they mentioned this archive of Charlie Kaufman scripts, which includes Being John Malkovich and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, my favorite film of last year.

And in me-news, in an attempt to make some sort of use of my second, otherwise unused 30GB hard drive, I've been ripping just about every song from just about every CD I own. The result has been a very eclectic random Winamp playlist. When you jump from "Piggy" by Nine Inch Nails to "Feathers" by 12 Rounds to "I Be the Prophet" by Tricky to Tchaikovsky's Symphony No.4, movement 3, you know you're having fun.

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