Sunday, February 20, 2005

Seamonkeys and Robot Chickens

In a recent post, Asa brought up the limited lifetime of Seamonkey and a fairly hysterical forum blitz followed. Basically, the Mozilla Foundation has been planning on phasing out development of Seamonkey, the basis of the Mozilla Application Suite, and a lot of people seem to think this means the end of Mozilla Suite forever. Mike Connor has eloquently summed up the situation on his blog. I don't really see the need for future Seamonkey development myself. If you combine Firefox and Thunderbird, and throw in an IRC client and an HTML editor of questionable usefulness, you've got the Mozilla Suite. Or, put another way, it's Netscape Communicator with 2005 compliance standards and a number of bug fixes. Do we really need that? In any case, it's open-source software, so even if the Mozilla Foundation stops development on Seamonkey, the project can (and probably will) live on for years.

And speaking of Thunderbird, I found the minimize to systray extension I'd been looking for at The Extensions Mirror. It's sort of an unofficial database for Firefox, Thunderbird, and Mozilla Suite extensions. Why these extensions aren't posted to Mozilla Update, where they would go through extensive testing and bug-checking, I have no idea.

I saw the premier of Robot Chicken on [adult swim] tonight, and it was funnier and stupider than I'd hoped. I have no idea why stop-motion animation action figures falling down is funny, but somehow, it's really fucking funny.

I discovered that my beautiful (if used) Philips 107P monitor supports 1360x1024, so that's what I'm running now. It also supports 1600x1200, but I'm nearsighted enough.

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