Friday, July 29, 2005

Fx, Sm, YQ, Op, and Saturn

The first non-beta release of the Yahoo! Toolbar for Firefox was released this week. I'm not real sure who would need the features this thing has, but it's nice to see more third-party add-ons for Firefox anyway, especially from established names like Yahoo. Speaking of which, I forgot to mention the Y!Q Beta search plug-in for Fx I came across months ago. It's actually reasonably useful, though I still use the Wikipedia search plug-in a lot more.

The SeaMonkey Council (which has the best name for anything ever) is looking for better artwork for its namesake browser suite. Apparently the current logo sucks. I haven't tried a SeaMonkey nightly yet, because I know I'd have to uninstall Mozilla 1.7.10 first, and I don't wanna. Incidentally, installing a Deer Park alpha will screw with your current Fx install.

Opera 8.02 is out. I haven't lifted my self-imposed moratorium on installing new versions of Opera because of two features that are conspicuously absent from the changelog: "Overhauled ungodly UI" and "Removed $40 price tag." I actually felt kind of bad about cheap shots I've taken at Opera in the past, until I read this blog. It's not a bad blog either, probably much better than mine, but I wish they could promote Opera in a better way than pointing out every little problem the Mozilla Foundation, a nonprofit, has ever had.

Finally, if you've always wanted to know what the planet Saturn sounds like, and who hasn't really, here's your chance. Turns out Saturn sounds like the original score from a bad Vincent Price movie, run through a few dozen effects boxes and remixed by Portishead. Weird would be the adjective I'd go with.


Anonymous said...

Opera Watch is not related to Opera Software (the makers of Opera). It is a fan site. Similarly you can find Firefox fan sites badmouthing Opera or other browsers. Yes it is pointless, but there you go.

AC said...

No, I realize Opera Watch is an indie blog. And I wish Blogs for Firefox and other Mozilla blogs wouldn't devote half their posts to pointing out other browsers' issues. I'll keep posting about their updates, because I use half the alt browsers myself, and because competition can only make them all better.