Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Camino, Zips, and Cake

A beautiful new site has been launched dedicated to spreading Camino, the Mozilla Foundation's Gecko-based Mac-only web browser. Think of it as a more Apple-centric edition of the cross-platform Firefox.

MoFo's Chase Phillips has provided an explanation for why new final releases of Firefox and Thunderbird are no longer being posted as zip files as well as self-installers. It's mildly technical, but it breaks down like this: using the executables is easier and causes fewer headaches when upgrading, so stop using the zips.

I was digging through a pile of old CDs the other day and came across the soundtrack from The Matrix, which I didn't even know I had. So I've finally found a new CD for my car stereo. I've been playing Cake's latest album, Pressure Chief, every time I got in my truck since I bought it the day it was released.

Update: Screw The Matrix, I also found my copy of "The Elephant Riders" by Clutch. Now that's drivin' around music.

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